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Overnight Oats

July 14, 2011

When I first heard of the overnight oats from Meals&Miles, I was intrigued. My three favorite ingredients – oats, Greek yogurt and nut butter finally together in one bowl!


It turned out so good and was so ridiculously easy to make that I had to spread the word.

1. Place 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt in a bowl. I used a 5.3oz container of Trader Joe’s blueberry fat free yogurt.


2. Pour 1/2 cup of milk. I chose Vanilla Almond milk.


3. Add 1/2 cup of oats. I have three different varieties of oats (shows how much I love oats Smile)


I went with Multi-grain for this recipe, but I am sure either of the others would also work.

4. Stir in 1tsp of nut butter. I am down to sunflower butter these days, so it’ll have to do for now.


5. Top off with fruit and sprinkle with cinnamon. Peaches and blueberries make a great combination.


6. Mix it all up, cover and place in the fridge overnight.


7. Oh, and don’t forget to lick the spoon to build up your taste buds’ anticipation.


I think this beats ice-cream for breakfast and is especially rewarding after a 6am hot yoga class. You can play around with the recipe and use different flavored milks and nut butters. You might prefer adding fruits on top rather than mixing them in. Whatever the case, you can’t ruin this bowl of happiness.

The only downside I can think of is that calorie content is a bit high (mine was 440cal, 22g of protein and 9.5g of fat) but you do get a giant portion that even I struggle to finish and it keeps me full all morning long. There are ways to trim down the calories like using plain yogurt instead of flavored (~60cal per 1/2 cup) and plain almond milk (~20cal per 1/2 cup). Some nut butters are lower in calories as well– almond butter is 160 per 2tsp.

The rest of my eats were less exciting, but I will post them anyhow for sake of tracking (and since I took new prettier pictures Smile)

The usual salad lunch of organic greens, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, onions, grilled chicken breast and avocado.


I kept my snacking healthy sticking to fruits and nuts.


For full disclosure, I ate a bunch by the time I remembered to take the photo. I also had a fresh apple and an orange.

When I got home, I wanted to get the laundry going before making dinner. Good thing I picked up some Skinny Fries at Trader Joe’s to tame my hunger monster.


I had leftover broccoli slow from the Sunday’s BBQ so I decided to stir fry it with ground turkey, zucchini, shredded carrots and peanut sauce. 


I ate an entire carton of ice cream for dessert (and that’s all right because it’s only 150 calories Winking smile)


I finished the night with Rainier cherries.



[Jane Asks]: What’s your favorite oats recipe?

8 Comments leave one →
  1. July 14, 2011 4:47 pm

    I’ve made oats in a jar but not overnight oats! Will have to do this soon!


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